Top Birthday Party Venues in KL
Where are the top birthday party venues in KL or Kuala Lumpur? By Ampang, we are mainly covering a section of Ampang that’s from the intersection with Jalan Tun Razak to the area around the Great Eastern Mall.
While there are many eateries around the area, there are some of them that are much more suited for events than others. Here’s a list of the top birthday party venues in Ampang to hold your party, be it a birthday party, baby shower, full moon party party, 100 day party, or even a casual corporate event.
MahaNakhon Ampang
MahaNakhon Ampang is a restaurant with a pool making it perfectly suited for a pool side party. The indoor area can take up to 50 pax while the outdoor area can take up to 200 pax, giving you a total of 250 pax. Their event menu starts from RM55++.
Union Artisan Coffee 1MK
Union Artisan Coffee 1MK is a suitable space to host a birthday party, an office gathering, or any coffee laden event. The event space here can accommodate up to 100 pax.
8Haus Cafe
RGB Cafe @ G Tower is RGB’s second outpost at the lobby of G Tower. If you like RGB’s cuisine but would like a venue within a tall space, then RGB Cafe @ G Tower is your other option. The cafe here takes up to 60 pax.